Teeth First! Teeth First!

August 2016

Los accidentes suelen ocurrir: Tenga esta aplicación sobre traumas dentales a mano para ayudar a salvar los dientes pequeños

Los accidentes suelen ocurrir todos los días, y a veces, alguien pierde o daña un diente.

Esta aplicación sobre traumas dentales es un juego virtual de primeros auxilios dentales. Le indicará qué hacer según el tipo de trauma que haya sufrido el diente. Si el diente se cayó del todo, una decisión rápida y correcta puede ayudar a salvarlo.

Esta aplicación es excelente para que padres y personas que cuidan a niños, maestros, entrenadores deportivos y proveedores de cuidado infantil la tengan a mano.

Accidents Happen: Keep this Dental Trauma App Handy to Help Save Little Teeth!

Accidents happen every day, and sometimes, somebody loses or hurts a tooth!

This Dental Trauma app is a virtual dental First Aid kit. It will tell you what to do based on the type of trauma a tooth has received. If a tooth is totally knocked out completely, your quick and correction action can help save it!

This app is great for parents and caregivers, teachers, sports coaches and child care providers to have on hand.

Physician-Based Comprehensive Preventive Oral Health Services (POHS) Associated with Reduced Dental Caries

A retrospective study conducted by Ashley M. Kranz, Ph.D, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her colleagues linked 29,173 kindergarten students through Medicaid claims and public health surveillance data to reveal some interesting findings with regard to POHS and dental caries.

TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.