Teeth First! Teeth First!

June 2015

Disturbing gaps in oral health literacy

Escrito por: Alice Horowitz and Dushanka V. Kleinman

This guest blog post was co-authored by Alice Horowitz and Dushanka V. Kleinman, faculty members at University of Maryland School of Public Health (SPH). This blog post was written for the Children's Dental Health Project blog: TeethMatter and is shared with permission.

Why Baby Teeth Matter

Many parents believe that primary (baby) teeth are less important than permanent teeth because primary teeth are going to “fall out anyway.” However, primary teeth are key to a child’s growth and development in five important ways. 

Por qué importan los dientes del bebé

Este blog es una reseña de la circular electrónica mensual National Center on Health's Brush Up on Oral Health monthly e-newsletter.
Muchos padres piensan que los dientes de leche (del bebé) son menos importantes que los dientes permanentes porque los dientes de leche eventualmente se van a caer. Sin embargo, los dientes de leche son la clave para el crecimiento y desarrollo del niño en cinco importantes maneras. 
TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.