Teeth First! Teeth First!

July 2016

A rule change that would make dental coverage more affordable

Escrito por: Colin Reusch, of the Children's Dental Health Project

Written by: Children's Dental Health Project blog: Teeth Matter

This blog post was written for the Children's Dental Health Project blogTeeth Matter and is shared with permission.

Which Teeth and When? A Parent's Guide

At around the age of 6 months to 10 months, your baby’s first teeth will appear. This is called teething.

The lower teeth usually come in first, so be on the lookout! Once your baby's teeth appear, it's time to start brushing them gently with a smear (the size of a grain of rice) of fluoride toothpaste on an infant-sized toothbrush.

¿Qué dientes y cuándo? Una guía para padres

Entre los 6 meses y los 10 meses, aparecerán los primeros dientes de su bebé. Esto se llama dentición.

Usualmente, primero aparecen los dientes de abajo, por lo tanto, preste atención. Una vez que aparecen los dientes de su bebé, llegó el momento de comenzar a cepillarlos suavemente con una pequeña cantidad (el tamaño de un grano de arroz) de pasta dental con fluoruro en un cepillo de dientes para bebé.

TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.