Teeth First! Teeth First!

May 2014

Oral health literacy: 3 key questions to ask

This guest blog post was authored by Jennifer S. Holtzman, D.D.S., Assistant Researcher at UCLA's School of Dentistry, Public Health and Community Dentistry Division. This blog post was written for the Children's Dental Health Project blog: Teeth Matter and is shared with permission.

Free Dental Care for Rhode Islanders - Rhode Island Mission of Mercy to Be Held on May 31-June 1, 2014

Written by: Deborah Fuller, DMD, MS

Regular dental visits provide a chance for early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of oral diseases for people of all ages. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to see a dentist, whether it’s because of a lack of dental insurance, the ability to time off from work, or simply not understanding that a healthy mouth is important to a healthy body. 

Atención dental gratuita para ciudadanos de Rhode Island – La Misión de la Misericordia de Rhode Island se realizará entre el 31 de mayo y el 1.° de junio de 2014

Written by: Deborah Fuller, DMD, MS

Las visitas con regularidad al dentista ofrecen la oportunidad de lograr el diagnóstico temprano, la prevención y el tratamiento de enfermedades orales en personas de todas las edades. Lamentablemente, no todos tienen la oportunidad de consultar a un dentista, sea por falta de seguro dental, la posibilidad de pedir tiempo libre en el trabajo o simplemente no entender que una boca saludable es importante para un cuerpo saludable. 

TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.