Teeth First! Teeth First!

Hablando de dientes

Por qué importan los dientes del bebé

Este blog es una reseña de la circular electrónica mensual National Center on Health's Brush Up on Oral Health monthly e-newsletter.
Muchos padres piensan que los dientes de leche (del bebé) son menos importantes que los dientes permanentes porque los dientes de leche eventualmente se van a caer. Sin embargo, los dientes de leche son la clave para el crecimiento y desarrollo del niño en cinco importantes maneras. 

Why Baby Teeth Matter

Many parents believe that primary (baby) teeth are less important than permanent teeth because primary teeth are going to “fall out anyway.” However, primary teeth are key to a child’s growth and development in five important ways. 

Disturbing gaps in oral health literacy

Escrito por: Alice Horowitz and Dushanka V. Kleinman

This guest blog post was co-authored by Alice Horowitz and Dushanka V. Kleinman, faculty members at University of Maryland School of Public Health (SPH). This blog post was written for the Children's Dental Health Project blog: TeethMatter and is shared with permission.

Rhode Island Mission of Mercy

Free Dental Care for Rhode Islanders - Rhode Island Mission of Mercy to Be Held on May 30 and 31 at CCRI's Flanagan Campus in Lincoln
Regular dental visits provide a chance for early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of oral diseases for people of all ages. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to see a dentist, whether it’s because of a lack of dental insurance, the inability to take time off from work, or simply not realizing that a healthy mouth is important to a healthy body. 

¡El juego y la aplicación móvil para cepillarse Toothsavers hacen que cepillarse sea divertido!

¡El juego y la aplicación móvil para cepillarse Toothsavers hacen que cepillarse sea divertido!
En estos momentos, un 91% de los adultos norteamericanos pasan un promedio de dos horas por día usando sus teléfonos celulares para actividades que no tienen nada que ver con hacer llamadas telefónicas. Los niños también usan los teléfonos de sus padres y los juegos que juegan con ellos pueden tener un gran impacto en sus hábitos. 

Toothsavers Brushing Game & Mobile App Makes Brushing Fun!

Toothsavers Brushing Game & Mobile App Makes Brushing Fun!
Right now, 91% of American adults spend an average of 2 hours per day using their cellphone for activities other than making phone calls. Children are also using their parents’ phones, and the games they play on them can have a big impact on their habits. 

Progress in the Fight Against Dental Decay

As dental or health care professional who cares for children, you encourage early dental visits, connect children with a dental home, and work to promote tooth-healthy behaviors at home. But are your efforts working? A new study released by the Centers for Disease Control suggests that progress is being made, but there's still a long way to go.

Visit Our New Webpage: Keeping Teeth Healthy at Home!

There's a lot that parents and caregivers can do to keep a child's teeth healthy at home.

In fact, good oral health starts there by brushing twice a day for two minutes each time, and flossing once a day. Good tooth care combined with regular visits to the dentist can be very helpful in preventing problems.

Every stage of childhood has its own set of recommendations for tooth care.

TeethFirst! has put together a handy guide for parents and caregivers to follow so they will know how to care for a child's teeth starting from birth to over age 8.

Visite nuestra nueva página web: Mantener saludables los dientes en casa

Los padres y personas que cuidan a los niños pueden hacer mucho para mantener saludables los dientes del niño en su casa.

La verdad es que una buena higiene oral comienza allí cepillándose dos veces por día durante dos minutos cada vez y usando el hilo dental una vez por día. Una buena atención dental combinada con visitas periódicas al dentista puede ser muy útil para prevenir problemas.

Cada etapa de la niñez incluye sus propias recomendaciones para la atención dental.  


TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.