Teeth First! Teeth First!

Announcing Our New Web Page: Nutrition for Healthy Teeth

Did you know that even though you can't see them yet, a baby's teeth are almost completely formed at birth? Even a baby's permanent teeth are starting to form at the same time! This means that even though you might not be able to see them yet, it is very important to feed your child healthy foods that will help keep teeth growing strong.  And even though your young child will lose her baby teeth, it is still very important to take good care of them like you would care for her permanent adult teeth.

Our new web page is a helpful guide to tooth healthy eating habits for every age and stage. It is meant to help parents and caregivers identify what kinds of foods are tooth-friendly, and what kinds of foods to limit or avoid. You may be surprised by what you learn.

Visit our new webpage and start a tooth-healthy diet for your child today!

TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.