Teeth First! Teeth First!

October 2015

Fluoride varnish in a busy pediatric office? Yes, you can do it!

Written by: Ailis Clyne, MD, MPH

When our practice was contacted about training for applying fluoride varnish a couple of years ago, it sounded like a great service to provide our patients.  But, we were worried about working in another component to well baby visits.  How do you apply it?  Who would apply it?  How long does it take?  Can you bill for the service?  What needs to be documented?

¡Mascar goma que tenga xilitol puede ayudar a proteger los dientes!

Si bien nada puede reemplazar la importancia de cepillarse los dientes y usar hilo dental dos veces por día, ¿sabía que mascar goma sin azúcar puede ayudar a prevenir las caries?

Hay muchos tipos diferentes de goma para mascar disponibles en la tienda. Muchos de ellos no contienen azúcar y tienen edulcorantes artificiales para que tengan buen sabor.

Mascar cualquier tipo de goma sin azúcar puede ayudar a mantener limpia la boca, ya que mascar goma produce saliva, lo que baña a los dientes con un enjuague que previene las caries.

Chewing Gum Containing Xylitol Can Help Protect Teeth!

While nothing can replace the importance of brushing and flossing twice a day, did you know that chewing sugarless gum can help keep cavities away?

There are many different kinds of chewing gum available at the store. Many of them are sugar-free and have artificial sweeteners in them to make them taste good.

Chewing any type of sugar-free gum can help keep your mouth clean, since gum chewing produces saliva, which bathes teeth in a cavity-fighting rinse.

TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.